数据来源 https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards



id 名称 下载次数
9614 NGINX Ingress controller 1386457
707 AWS RDS 739456
650 AWS ELB Application Load Balancer 711564
551 AWS ECS 710182
11455 K8s / Storage / Volumes / Namespace 667040
11454 K8s / Storage / Volumes / Cluster 666844
11453 K8s / Storage / Heketi 666188
139 AWS Billing 568375
8588 1. Kubernetes Deployment Statefulset Daemonset metrics 247140
4475 Traefik 161438
7249 Kubernetes Cluster 150724
1598 Zipkin / Prometheus 137383
1860 Node Exporter Full 133183
2 Prometheus Stats 100103
1621 Kubernetes cluster monitoring (via Prometheus) 90955
3662 Prometheus 2.0 Overview 78508
617 AWS EC2 70429
6417 Kubernetes Cluster (Prometheus) 61845
5309 Kubernetes Capacity (Prometheus) 46572
7645 Istio Pilot Dashboard 43509
3070 Etcd by Prometheus 43321
6663 Kubernetes pod and cluster monitoring (via Prometheus) 42740
6336 Kubernetes Pods (Prometheus) 42489
405 Node Exporter Server Metrics 39017
7187 Kubernetes Resource Requests 38376
3831 Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler (via Prometheus) 37345
741 Kubernetes Deployment metrics 34889
315 Kubernetes cluster monitoring (via Prometheus) 31566
6671 Go Processes 31530
644 AWS ELB Classic Load Balancer 30750
969 AWS ElastiCache Redis 29902
702 Amazon RDS OS Metrics 26027
3131 Kubernetes All Nodes 24668
9528 a Django Prometheus 22306
8919 1  Node Exporter for Prometheus Dashboard CN v20191102 22245
1471 Kubernetes App Metrics 19723
5228 Kubernetes Capacity 19564
893 Docker and system monitoring 18732
747 Kubernetes Pod Metrics 18635
5312 Kubernetes Cluster Health (Prometheus) 17787
2322 ElasticSearch 16496
9871 Kube Eagle 16485
8685 K8s Cluster Summary 15608
179 Docker and Host Monitoring w/ Prometheus 15427
4701 JVM (Micrometer) 15282
6739 Kubernetes Persistence Volumes 14869
5303 Kubernetes Deployment (Prometheus) 14397
10619 Docker Container & Host Metrics 13193
928 Telegraf: system dashboard 13124
9367 Helm Exporter 13014
455 Postgres Overview 12336
11074 1  Node Exporter for Prometheus Dashboard EN v20191102 11990
240 Go Processes 11880
5321 Kubernetes Resource Requests (Prometheus) 11731
10000 Cluster Monitoring for Kubernetes 11305
395 Docker Host & Container Overview 11092
7279 CoreDNS 10907
721 Kafka Overview 10847
9578 Alertmanager 10732
5327 Kubernetes Pods (Prometheus) 10447
2842 Ceph – Cluster 10073
5330 Kubernetes StatefulSets (Prometheus) 10043
8010 Prometheus AlertManager 9890
3119 Kubernetes cluster monitoring (via Prometheus) 9833
7362 MySQL Overview 9594
5318 Kubernetes Master Status (Prometheus) 9529
804 Performance Ambiente Zabbix 9303
61 Telegraf metrics 9220
878 Elasticsearch Dashboard 9173
3320 Kubernetes Node Exporter Full 9107
24 CollectD Server Metrics 8910
5324 Kubernetes Nodes (prometheus) 8641
6879 Analysis by Pod 8522
159 Prometheus system 8500
193 Docker monitoring 8257
5926 CoreDNS 8181
22 Node exporter single server 8166
1152 JMeter Load Test 7876
6483 ElasticSearch 7783
203 Server Metrics (Collectd) 7431
162 Kubernetes cluster monitoring (via Prometheus) 7422
609 Docker Swarm & Container Overview 7314
7639 Istio Mesh Dashboard 7108
6239 Mysql – Prometheus 7104
7991 2MySQL  Simple Dashboard 6982
2583 MongoDB 6904
5315 Kubernetes Cluster Status (Prometheus) 6901
6756 Spring Boot Statistics 6901
266 ElasticSearch 6808
718 Host Stats – Prometheus Node Exporter – pre 0.16.0 6769
409 SQL Server Monitoring 6725
2525 Logstash metrics 6631
7589 Kafka Exporter Overview 6608
5345 Blackbox Exporter Overview 6562
1443 Telegraf Host Metrics 6492
10949 Cluster: Goldpinger 6436
2428 HAProxy 6359
10617 Go Process running on AKS 6270
8670 Cluster cost & utilization metrics 6238
4279 RabbitMQ Monitoring 6177
2129 Windows Node 6135
5363 Zabbix – Full Server Status 5959
10230 Cluster view – CPU and Mem2 5911
3742 AAA Postgres_exporter 5848
10265 CPU Overview detailed 5803
10264 CPU overview 5765
10266 Memory Overview 5731
1323 Dashboard Servers Windows 5656
7250 Envoy Service – by Fangdd.com 5582
7253 Envoy global – by Fangdd.com 5504
4271 Docker and system monitoring 5357
1320 Dashboard Servers Linux 5297
3146 Kubernetes Pods 5278
331 Apache Overview 5246
5496 Apache JMeter Dashboard using Core InfluxdbBackendListenerClient 5174
10658 ASP.NET Core application Running on OpenShift Origin 5115
8159 VMware vSphere  – Overview 4996
5984 Alerts – Linux Nodes 4928
7424 Kong (official) 4921
7636 Istio Service Dashboard 4910
9276 1.主机基础监控(cpu,内存,磁盘,网络) 4832
358 Prometheus Stats 4800
590 AWS Cloudwatch Browser 4748
6915 Kubernetes Nodes (prometheus) 4658
421 InfluxDB Internals 4653
317 InfluxDB Metrics 4627
381 Icinga2 with InfluxDB 4544
6873 Analysis by Cluster 4542
3590 Grafana Internals 4475
2204 App Metrics – Web Monitoring – Prometheus 4406
554 Host Overview 4333
3457 JMX Overview 4263
9628 PostgreSQL Database 4245
6876 Analysis by Namespace 4242
6912 Kubernetes Capacity (Prometheus) 4148
7648 Istio Galley Dashboard 4147
1124 SNMP Interface Throughput 4112
3050 Kubernetes nginx ingress stats 4102
966 Dashboard Mysql Zabbix 4065
7700 Vaults 3969
4031 MySQL 3934
3894 Apache 3898
79 Dynamic Dashboard 3887
575 AWS S3 3832
9096 1 Node Exporter 0.18.X (Host Metrics) 3771
4151 CPU Utilization Details (Cores) 3769
569 Disk stats 3715
2121 RabbitMQ Metrics 3700
2292 Elasticsearch Nginx Logs 3685
5450 Alerts 3655
56 Icinga2 with Graphite 3629
7642 Istio Mixer Dashboard 3624
4164 Monitoring PostgreSQL Server, Postgres replication 3622
3066 JVM overview – Prometheus 3594
6781 Kubernetes: POD Overview 3564
5990 Alerts – Server Status 3548
5955 Telegraf – system metrics 3531
1013 51.com-域名日志 3520
1138 InfluxDB 3477
3888 Solr Dashboard 3453
6615 Kubernetes: DaemonSet (Prometheus) 3444
1902 Telegraf & Influx Windows Host Overview 3426
3137 Kubernetes Deployment 3423
7630 Istio Workload Dashboard 3385
371 Cassandra detail 3368
8077 Kubernetes cluster monitoring ( Prometheus) 3360
5573 Host Stats – Prometheus Node Exporter 3335
917 Ceph – Cluster 3332
6287 Host Overview 3271
555 Server – Operating System Metrics 3266
233 Jenkins: Performance and health overview 3201
552 metricbeat-elasticsearch 3186
5225 Kubernetes Deployments 3186
6918 Kubernetes: Cluster Overview 3128
7173 Kubernetes Ingress Nginx 3061
704 Node exporter server stats 3003
367 HAproxy Servers | HAproxy 2999
725 Dashboard Gerador 2999
4181 Alerts – Overview 2990
249 Named processes 2977
3308 Java Micrometer 2960
355 Postgres Overview 2946
5408 Cassandra 2863
49 Nginx Stats 2820
306 Jenkins: Performance and health overview 2790
1375 Linux host 2790
635 Logstash Browser 2786
8563 JVM dashboard 2758
2381 Linux System Overview 2700
10856 K8 Cluster Detail Dashboard 2691
1004 elasticsearch-logstash 2676
4371 RabbitMQ Metrics 2674
7587 Prometheus Blackbox Exporter 2663
9524 a Jenkins performance and health overview for jenkinsci/prometheus-plugin 2612
7670 Kubernetes Pods (Prometheus) 2608
2030 System metrics 2590
2387 Glances 2567
593 AWS Lambda 2564
9777 1.0 Watermill 2543
5219 Kubernetes Nodes 2513
8677 Dashboard Linux Server 2504
2949 Nginx VTS Stats 2503
3649 Kubernetes Pod Statistics ( via Heapster and Influxdb ) 2503
2240 Traefik  Realtime Stats 2497
4921 Linux – Zabbix Server 2476
1150 InfluxDB Docker 2458
2351 Consul 2457
2741 Zabbix Server 3.4.X 2457
677 AWS Auto Scaling 2451
1941 Windows Overview 2444
462 Nginx Overview 2426
3834 Prometheus Benchmark – 2.0.x 2424
6742 PostgreSQL Statistics 2417
1792 Zabbix Server 2412
674 AWS CloudFront 2406
2751 Prometheus Redis 2394
699 Zabbix  – Ambiente Total – Zabbix-Brasil (Oficial) 2385
8171 Kubernetes Nodes 2299
914 Telegraf system overview 2293
3646 Kubernetes Node Statistics ( via Heapster and Influxdb ) 2292
2125 App Metrics – Web Monitoring – InfluxDB 2290
8168 VMware vSphere  – VMs 2290
235 MySQL Dashboards for Graphite 2269
6293 Traefik 2255
5231 Kubernetes Status 2254
2690 Internet Uptime Monitor 2225
6927 NGINX 2212
5336 Ceph – OSD 2211
1555 AIX NMON report 2210
758 AWS CloudWatch Logs 2190
9063 Pod utilization metrics 2154
1177 Service – MySQL Metrics 2153
4170 Docker and Container Stats 2140
1486 UniFi AP Dashboard 2136
9178 Node utilization metrics 2115
3333 Oracledb 2107
8162 VMware vSphere – Datastore 2102
73 HTTP logs 2097
10991 RabbitMQ-Overview 2096
6098 Zabbix Host Status 2074
1501 ZABBIX – CONTROLE v2.2 2058
5342 Ceph – Pools 2023
4026 JMeter Dashboard 2022
445 Prometheus Stats Extended 2019
9965 2 Blackbox Exporter 0.14 for Prometheus 监控展示看板 2017
10551 10 Project/NameSpace Based on Memory 2015
1530 MongoDB Monitoring Dashboard 2009
1666 Bind DNS 2003
8165 VMware vSphere  – Hosts 2001
1406 Average Load Chart 1996
713 FRITZ!Box Router Status 1970
6014 Host Stats – Prometheus Node Exporter 0.16.0 1957
4686 Kubernetes Pods 1938
1856 Node – Network Overview 1931
7824 Kubernetes Cluster Monitoring 1924
881 Redis Server Metrics 1919
11594 Detailed pods resources 1917
3351 JMeter Dashboard (3.2 and up) 1916
968 Apache Logs 1906
7056 Ceph – Cluster 1893
10231 Spring Boot Micrometer 1888
1295 netdata-host 1877
5063 Nginx 1874
801 Zabbix Server 3.2.X 1863
3140 Kubernetes Nodes 1843
1746 Dashboard Speed Test 1823
3244 Kubernetes Calico 1822
4812 Zabbix VMware ESXi 1805
2711 Zabbix Server 3.2.X  Dynamic  Dashboards 1791
4698 Ambassador 1778
5249 Jira 1766
2587 k6 Load Testing Results 1762
1503 Tomcat JVM Overview 1758
55 Internal Grafana Stats 1756
525 switch-snmp 1751
1229 Docker Engine Metrics 1746
10257 Kubernetes / Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 1740
623 AWS EBS 1738
311 Graphite Carbon Metrics (obfuscurity) 1729
2840 VMware Environment Performance 1715
4070 Dashboard Data Center 1702
1516 AWS API Gateway 1697
4443 Asterisk call statistics 1686
558 Service – Apache Metrics 1678
3056 Docker Metrics per container 1674
1299 VMware Performance: Multiple VMs 1667
3681 Prometheus2.0 (by FUSAKLA) 1661
584 AWS SQS 1657
465 Atop Monitoring 1636
1701 AIX NMON Individual disks 1601
294 System Overview 1594
3297 Generic Node 1558
333 Zabbix Server 3.0.X 1554
4503 Monitoring Java Stack – Jolokia JVM, Redis, Mongodb, Tomcat,Apache Httpd 1542
9512 a Nginx Connections Overview 1519
2914 Apache Traffic Server Dashboard 1514
9018 1.12 DC/OS Global Kafka Dashboard 1504
6593 Windows Node w/ process info 1501
9516 a Nginx General Overview 1497
9631 Gitlab Runner 1497
314 Consul 1491
5837 Grafana Dashboard Exporter/Importer 1485
3870 Openshift/K8 Cluster Overview 1483
1424 Servidores Windows 1482
2549 Graylog Metrics 1475
3149 Kubernetes Resource Requests 1471
4358 Elasticsearch 1471
659 AWS CloudWatch Events 1463
1727 Synology DashBoard 1456
4018 Kubernetes Cluster 1456
7727 JMX prometheus exporter 1442
1118 Citrix Xenapp Monitoring 1441
9386 SQL Servers 1440
2618 Hyper-V Metrics 1438
2597 Telastic 1431
4589 SQL SERVER 1429
37 Prometheus memcached 1426
8955 Zabbix Server Dashboard 1424
4158 Basic Information with MSSQL 1422
7125 Monitoramento Mikrotik 1399
3300 Postgres Node 1396
5174 Node Exporter Full 0.16 1396
5456 Zabbix – Servers Status Table 1395
5204 Elasticsearch 1375
279 Metrictank 1365
2747 Linux memory 1360
8673 Namespace utilization metrics 1360
1575 Gitlab-Monitor 1359
3387 Process “Top” 1332
755 System Overview 1328
2577 Kubernetes Cluster Health Monitoring 1325
1519 AWS SES 1323
8856 AMS HBase – RegionServers 1323
6479 Jenkins Dashboard 1321
9144 Kubernetes pod monitoring 1317
6058 Metricbeat, Elastic, System metricset 1316
3545 Status VM Clusters 1308
8847 AMS HBase – Home 1291
6908 Redis Server 1277
5468 Kubernetes Kafka Overview, Burrow consumer lag stats, Kafka disk usage 1262
5270 MongoDB Overview Hmx 1255
6588 Kubernetes Pods 1240
5373 Micrometer Spring Throughput 1236
8853 AMS HBase – Misc 1234
1617 Systemd Service Dashboard 1233
43 Graphite Carbon Metrics 1221
737 Kubernetes Pod Resources 1220
581 AWS SNS 1219
9761 Prometheus Benchmark – 2.7.x 1217
4859 HTTP Services Status 1215
10187 Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Controller 1215
8451 InfluxDB – Telegraf 1214
1635 Telegraf Windows Instances 1205
10578 Raspberry Pi Monitoring 1185
9809 Kubernetes Namespace Resources 1184
6212 Node Exporter Full with Hostname 1180
1883 SQL Server Monitoring 1178
2115 Kubernetes cluster monitoring (via Prometheus) v2 1178
9568 JVM (Actuator) 1177
3314 System Metrics: Windows 1176
10262 1 Node Exporter 0.16–0.18 for Prometheus 监控展示看板 1171
1572 icinga2-influxdb-host 1163
6976 Geth Server 1151
4912 Kubernetes PHP-FPM 1149
8582 Kubernetes Kafka Overview 1149
5993 Alerts – Windows Nodes 1141
10858 K8 Deployment 1137
4251 IIS Dashboard 1134
10171 Windows Host Metrics | Base 1116
3563 Windows Host Overview 1112
85 Carbon C Relay 1110
5484 Kafka Overview 1110
882 Clickhouse 1105
7107 Netdata 1105
1760 Hosts Dashboard by Lessa 1094
8729 Gitlab Runner Kubernetes Executor 1087
2140 App Metrics – Web Monitoring – Elasticsearch 1086
7171 Zabbix – Infrastructure Problems 1077
10884 Kubernetes Cron  and Batch Job monitoring 1075
7154 Aerospike 1073
1776 Hosted Metrics Usage Summary 1072
145 Overview Docker 1066
1733 Zabbix Dashboard by Lessa 1064
5774 GitLab Omnibus 1059
9947 1.12 DC/OS Local Kafka Dashboard 1055
1165 RabbitMQ 1051
653 AWS EFS 1044
10280 Spring Boot 2.1 Statistics 1044
6149 System Metrics – Single 1041
6387 Nvidia GPU 1039
2556 LibreNMS Interfaces 1037
9964 Jenkins: Performance and Health Overview 1036
5357 host (unRaid / linux) telegraf dashboard 1035
9789 NGINX Ingress controller 1033
2441 Weather 1032
2969 AWS VPN 1030
3816 Kubernetes Web App metrics 1027
8321 Docker monitoring with node selection 1025
6490 linux-node-exporter 1022
338 Carbon-relay-ng 1021
11175 Blackbox Exporter Overview 1019
607 AWS EMR Hadoop 2 1016
8704 Tomcat dashboard 1015
4918 Switch Core 1011
6404 Confluence 1008
2864 Host Overview 1007
5499 Kubernetes Capacity Planning 1005
9606 1Wire 1005

